Quotes by Barbara W. Tuchman

About Barbara W. Tuchman:

Barbara Wertheim Tuchman was an American historian and author. She won the Pulitzer Prize twice, for The Guns of August (1963), a best-selling history of the prelude to and the first month of World War I, and Stilwell and the American Experience in China (1972), a biography of General Joseph Stilwell.

Author Bio

  • NameBarbara W. Tuchman
  • DescriptionAmerican historian and author
  • AliasesBarbara Wertheim Tuchman; Barbara Wertheim
  • BornJanuary 30, 1912
  • DiedFebruary 6, 1989
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionJournalist; Historian; Writer
  • AwardsPulitzer Prize For General Non-Fiction; National Book Award