Quote by: Ashley Elizabeth Blair Tetzlaff

The air was filled with beings, flying hither and thither in otherworldly haste, and shouting as they went. Half of them were – if Scrooge could put words to it – darkness and evilness incarnate: squat, short beings with owl-like bodies and monkey-like faces; tall human-like beings with sharp fangs and talons; and other weird and ghastly shapes and combinations. The other half of the beings, who were as if someone had molded light and love together in bodily form, were also of different shapes and combinations: many had totally human-like bodies (with the exception of glowing with light), others had human-like bodies with animal heads and wings, and yet others – Scrooge couldn’t tell what they looked like. These two sets of beings, dark and light, battled it out in the night sky above the college and as far as his eye could see.