Mr. Rip Wan winkle, be a star that twinkle.
Indeed you have what it takes to care like a mare, but can misters br one?
All mothers are rivers and all rivers, mothers.
People forget history nowadays,that is what the ego does, making one the prisoner of one's inflated present, ignoring the humble past one had lived.
He is too presumptuous about the inanities of appearances, poor realities gone for a toss.
An orchestra of temple bells and chanting erupted suddenly like a pleasing drizzle.
I was sent to a school with bosses for teachers- no Twain, only cane; check your dick you harry, no Dickens either, No Tom Sawyers no David Copperfields only Webster, master it for grammar, the Wren with a dash of Martini-Drink deep.
Only women understand the sensitivity of the soul, men are ambitious and ruthless.
For the Soul; Ears are dumb,Eyes are blind,Mind is a juggler.
Why can't one live a life of disappearing?An invisible man- the real superman.
The spirit never leaves, never goes away.
It doesn't require jargon to describe the soul.
Hume hummed in his head. Reason versus passion- David versus Goliath. Let the Goliath win for one last time. But the world is full of the Davids, the begging bastards, passing of their defeat as a win over the favorites. Why the world sides with the ...
live a death, die a death
What can a fallen star wish for, but it fulfills other's wishes, is it not?
That night I woke up to a strange fact; keep milk not to drink but to feed the cat.
The women have to suffer due to nature without compensation or an indemnity.
The words explain us all, each having a meaning in a meantime: every time for a lifetime.
The senses assimilate the world, the maya of God.
While in England write or get wrought rotten rusted.
All writers pen sad stories to garner sympathy, writing is after all for the abandoned of the society: the ink-leech, spewing black blood and sucking innocent souls.