Faith is an invincible, impeccable, invisible, invigorating and intelligible trust that does not rust with time.
Faith is the first step towards building the self-belief that someone, an invisible and invincible power, is taking care of everyone, everywhere all the time.
There’s always SOMEONE in support as long as he can be assured or he himself feels confident of getting, in return, SOMETHING beneficial of any sort.
A person speaks more about his character through his shared images or uploaded profile picture than with his words or deeds, but only a leader who is always true to himself correctly reads them.
If the selection process is right and its members GOOD, then there could be no reason why the collection of the teammates be not BETTER and bright who would work in the BEST interest of the organization, either individually or jointly, to bring susta...
Everyone knows and understands the good values, but it is only the best people who go better to do good to uplift the human values.
Anyone who can say and do anything better than that already done or said anytime, anywhere and considered then the best, then it is good to state for him that he has a brilliant brain in his head.
Good lovers understand each other. Better lovers respect each other. Best lovers live to trust each other. Great lovers dwell in each other.
It is always good to not hurry and better to never worry, but the best way to avoid hurry and worry on the life’s journey is to have no mental strain baggage and a very less hand baggage to carry.
They say that some people come in our life as blessings and others as lessons, but to be specific and precise only simple and humble people with the utmost simplicity in their lives only come as blessings in a person's life.
Every heart has its own brain; it’s the mind that has to find its own heart to train itself to see the soul's right path that makes the life’s journey worthwhile.
To do great things, a person needs invariably his heart pain to activate his human brain to train his life to remain unrestrained to do only the activity that soothes his soul.
Courage is the collective strength of heart, mind and soul, but the character plays the key role.
The only technology that helps to create a plethora of business and employment opportunity while promoting the green environment, is serving good for the society and, therefore, the sustainability.
Every penny that has always been earned with integrity by a person to lead life with a real simplicity has only perhaps helped to serve Almighty & protect and preserve humanity in the society.
The standard of a true leader is that he sets also his own rules rather than merely and blindly obeying the set of standard rules, even if it means being treated as an idiot or a crazy by the fools. And to follow his noble dream to attain his cherish...
Show a single way in which something can be said really good and it does not affect the self-vested interest of someone anyway.
A true comedian is really a good humanitarian, but a very rare few match up to that high standard.
Most people take many undue advantages of others by forgiving to own nature repeatedly than many people take most undue advantages for own by other person’s forgiving nature to them repeatedly.
It’s so easy to understand even an unknown person’s real nature through the things that he likes, but it’s possible only to a few people who are actually caring to others for being true to their own lives.
A sensible person is one who has a sensitive nature towards all living creatures and this is his or her best personality features towards the positive outlook in life