Quote by: Alexei Panshin

A book isn't a single, static thing with one unarguable meaning. Each reader who comes to it brings his own special knowledge, habits and attitudes. Each reader reads a different book. Each reader imagines a different story. A few years ago, for instance, a friend of my mother's sent me a copy of a test on that she had given her students. The first question read: "True or False? The theme of is..." I can't tell you what the presumed themed was, but I can tell you that I didn't recognize it. Beads of sweat leaped out of my forehead. After two more questions, I had to put the test aside. I didn't know the "right" answers.

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Author Bio

  • NameAlexei Panshin
  • DescriptionAmerican writer and critic
  • BornAugust 14, 1940
  • CountryUnited States Of America
  • ProfessionWriter; Novelist
  • AwardsNebula Award