About Albert Sánchez Piñol: Albert Sánchez Piñol is a Spanish anthropologist, non-fiction writer and novelist writing in Catalan and Castilian Spanish.
Yes, I felt very small. The typewriter seemed larger than a piano, I was less than a molecule. What could I do? I drank more. -pg 237
Most geniuses are geniuses because of the way they manage their natural talents. He was one because of the way he took advantage of the world's defects. -pg 129
Nunca estamos infinitamente lejos de aquellos a quienes odiamos. Por la misma razón, pues, podríamos creer que nunca estaremos absolutamente cerca de aquellos a quienes amamos. Cuando me embarqué ya conocía este principio atroz. Pero hay verdades...
Tot i la meva efervescència no maleïa una gent, només els sentiments que encara m'unien al passat.