He who strikes first, strikes twice.
Hunger brings people down, but pride can help them get up.
I never ask God to give me anything; I only ask him to put me where things are.
If it does not stink, it is not a foot.
If it is not stolen, it is a legacy.
If you give away what you have, you will not yearn for what you see.
It's not enough to know how to ride -- one must also know how to fall.
It's not enough to know how to ride -- you must also know how to fall.
It's not the fault of the mouse, but of the one who offers him the cheese.
Let the water you cannot drink flow by.
Love is blind -- but not the neighbors.
Love is too rare to be lost on jealousy.
Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy.
Necessity is a great teacher.
Never ask God to give you anything; ask Him to put you where things are.
Never confuse gratitude with love.
No fate is worse than a life without a love.
Nobody leaves this world alive.
Nobody wants to buy a sleeping horse.
One string is good enough to a good musician.
Only men with thick lips should smoke a cigar.