Hamm: All right, let's review this one more time. At precisely 8:32-ish, Exhibit A, Woody, was kidnapped.
[Etch-A-Sketch draws Woody]
Hamm: Exhibit B, a composide sketch of the kidnapper.
[Etch-A-Sketch draws Al with a long beard]
Bo Peep: He didn't have a beard like that.
Hamm: Fine. Uh, Etch, give him a shave.
[Etch-A-Sketch redraws Al without a beard]
Slinky Dog: The kidnapper was bigger than that.
Hamm: Oh, picky, picky, picky.
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, let's just go straight to Exhibit F! The kidnapper's vehicle.
[Refers to their toy reconstruction of the driveway]
Mr. Potato Head: Now the vehicle fled the scene in this direction.
[pushes a toy car to the left]
Hamm: Oh, your parts are in backwards! It went the other way!
[pushes the toy car right]
Hamm: Hey, put a cork in it!
[Rex walks through, destroying their model]
Rex: Hey, how do you spell F-B-I?
Mr. Potato Head: My crime scene!
Hamm: Hey, watch where you're going, Godspilla!
Rex: I didn't know this was a crime scene!