Sarah Connor: [answers the phone] Hello? Matt Buchanan: First I'm gonna rip the buttons off your blouse one by one, then run my tongue down your neck to your bare, gleaming breasts. And then slowly... slowly pull your jeans off inch by inch. Sarah Co...
Lieutenant Ed Traxler: I can hear it now. He's going to be called the goddamned phone book killer.
Nancy: [to Sarah] Look at it this way: in a hundred years, who's gonna care?
Sarah Connor: [checks the grocery bags Kyle has brought back to the hotel room] What've we got? Moth balls, corn syrup, ammonia. What's for dinner? Kyle Reese: Plastique. Sarah Connor: That sounds good. What is it? Kyle Reese: Nitroglycerine-base; it...
Sarah Connor: Kyle, the women in your time, what are they like? Kyle Reese: Good fighters. Sarah Connor: That's not what I meant. Was there someone special? Kyle Reese: Someone? Sarah Connor: A girl, you know. Kyle Reese: No. Never. Sarah Connor: Nev...
Kyle Reese: [to Sarah] I'm here to help you. I'm Reese. Sergeant Tech-Com, DN38416. Assigned to protect you. You've been targeted for termination.
Sarah Connor: [to Big Bob] Guard it for me, big buns.
Sarah Connor: This is a mistake. I haven't done anything. Kyle Reese: No, but you will. It's very important that you live. Sarah Connor: This isn't true. How could that man just get up after you just... Kyle Reese: He's not a man - a machine. Termina...
Sarah Connor: You're a doctor? Dr. Peter Silberman: [yawning] Criminal psychologist. Sarah Connor: Is Reese crazy? Dr. Peter Silberman: Well, that's what we're gonna find out. [clicks his pen]
Kyle Reese: All right, listen. The Terminator's an infiltration unit: part man, part machine. Underneath, it's a hyper-alloy combat chassis, microprocessor-controlled. Fully armored; very tough. But outside, it's living human tissue: flesh, skin, hai...
Derelict in Alley: [about Reese] That son of a bitch took my pants.
The Terminator: [to the passenger in the semi truck] Get out.
Matt Buchanan: [to the Terminator] Don't make me bust you up, man.
Biker at Phone Booth: [to the Terminator] Hey, man, you've got a serious attitude problem.
[Reese has just traveled back in time and appears in an alley] Derelict in Alley: Hey, buddy, did you just see a real bright light?
[first lines] [the garbage truck's engine stops] Truck Driver: What the hell? Goddamn son of a bitch...
The Terminator: [in the voice of the police officer] This is 1-L19. Westbound on Olympic approaching Overland.
Sarah Connor: Tell me about my son. Kyle Reese: He's about my height. He has your eyes. Sarah Connor: What's he like? Kyle Reese: You trust him. He's got a strength. I'd die for John Connor. Sarah Connor: Well... at least now I know what to name him....