Quote from : The Sandlot Movie

Sandlot Kids: [after Wendy Peffercorn pulls Squints from the pool] Squints! Come on Squints!
Ham Porter: Come on Squints. Squints!
Timmy: Come on, Squints, come on!
Scotty Smalls: [shouts] Come on, Squints. You can do it! Pull through, bud!
Benny Rodriguez: Come on, man, come on!
Yeah Yeah: Yeah yeah, he looks pretty crappy.
Tommy: Squints! Come on man!
Bertram: My God, he looks like a dead fish.
Sandlot Kids: [Squints opens his eyes and smiles] *What*?
Wendy Peffercorn: [Squints kisses Wendy]
[muffled scream]
Wendy Peffercorn: *Ugh!* *Little pervert!*
Timmy: Aww, man, he's in deep *shit!*

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