Macaulay Connor: What's this? Is it my book? C. K. Dexter Haven: Yes. Macaulay Connor: C. K. Dexter Haven you have unsuspected depth! C. K. Dexter Haven: Thanks, old chap. Macaulay Connor: But have you read it? C. K. Dexter Haven: When I was trying t...
Tracy Lord: [taking the perfume out of the car] This is your Uncle Willy's favorite, Complete Surrender.
Tracy Lord: I can't make you out at all now. Macaulay Connor: I thought I was easy. Tracy Lord: So did I. But you're not. You talk so big and tough and then you write like this. Which is which? Macaulay Connor: Both. I guess. Tracy Lord: No. No, I be...
Tracy Lord: My, she was yar...
Macaulay Connor: C.K. Dexter Haven, I would like to talk to you. C. K. Dexter Haven: Well, let's go in the talking room.
Uncle Willie: [leering at Liz] Ah Ms. Embry, you're a vision of lovliness. May I offer you a cocktail? Or champagne? Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: Oh champagne, I've never had enough. Uncle Willie: You will... tonight.
Uncle Willie: [watching Kittredge clumsily mount a horse] Heigh Ho Silver.
George Kittredge: [Dexter has butted in] You keep out of this. C. K. Dexter Haven: You forget I am out of it.
Tracy Lord: [on her wedding day] Do you like my dress, Dinah? Dinah Lord: Oh, yes. Ever so much. Tracy Lord: Feels awfully heavy.
Sidney Kidd: Anyway, presented for the first time, quote: A wedding day inside mainline society. Macaulay Connor: Or what the kitchen maid saw through the keyhole. Unquote.
Macaulay Connor: [calling outside his house] C.K. Dexter Haven! Oh, C.K. Dexter Haven! C. K. Dexter Haven: [coming to the door in his pajamas] What's up? Macaulay Connor: You are. C. K. Dexter Haven: I only hope it's worth it. Come in.
Uncle Willie: [hung over, moans as the pony cart Dinah's driving hits a bump] Dinah Lord: What's wrong? Uncle Willie: Oh, nothing, nothing. My head just fell off, that's all.
Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: [referring to Dinah] What's this? Macaulay Connor: Idiot, probably.
Macaulay Connor: [drunk] I bring you greetings and Cinderella's slipper, champagne. Champagne is a great leveleler... leveleler. It makes you my equal. C. K. Dexter Haven: Not quite. Macaulay Connor: Well, almost my equal.
George Kittredge: [to horse] What's the matter, Bessie? You seem worried. Dinah Lord: Maybe that's because his name is Jack.
Macaulay Connor: [after Tracy has declined his last-minute marriage proposal] But they're in there! They're waiting! Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: Don't get too conventional all at once, will you? There'll be a reaction.
Margaret Lord: I think that dress hikes up a little behind... Dinah Lord: No, it's me that does.
Seth Lord: What most wives fail to realize is that their husband's philandering has nothing whatever to do with them. Tracy Lord: Oh? Then what has it to do with? Seth Lord: A reluctance to go grow old, I think.