C. K. Dexter Haven: Orange juice, certainly. Tracy Lord: Don't tell me you've forsaken your beloved whisky and whiskies. C. K. Dexter Haven: No-no-no-no. I've just changed their colour, that's all. I'm going for the pale pastel shades now. They're mo...
C. K. Dexter Haven: I thought all writers drank to excess and beat their wives. You know one time I secretly wanted to be a writer.
Margaret Lord: We both might face the facts that neither of us has proved to be a very great success as a wife. Tracy Lord: We just picked the wrong first husband.
Seth Lord: You have everything it takes to make a lovely woman except the one essential: an understanding heart. And without that you might just as well be made of bronze.
Tracy Lord: Oh, we're going to talk about me again, are we? Goody.
Macaulay Connor: Champagne's funny stuff. I'm used to whiskey. Whiskey is a slap on the back, and champagne's heavy mist before my eyes.
Tracy Lord: You haven't switched from liquor to dope, by any chance, have you Dexter?
Tracy Lord: I never thought that alcohol would - Oh shut up.
George Kittredge: You're like some marvelous, distant, well, queen, I guess. You're so cool and fine and always so much your own. There's a kind of beautiful purity about you, Tracy, like, like a statue. Tracy Lord: George... George Kittredge: Oh, it...
Tracy Lord: You seem quite contemptuous of me all of the sudden. C. K. Dexter Haven: No Red, not of you, never of you.
Macaulay Connor: I don't think you're being fair to me, Mr. Kidd. Sidney Kidd: No? Macaulay Connor: No. You're treating me like you treat all your other writers.
Tracy Lord: These stories are beautiful. Why, Mike, they're almost poetry. Macaulay Connor: Don't kid yourself, they are.
Dinah Lord: Nothing ever possibly in the least ever happens here. Mother, how do you get smallpox?
Macaulay Connor: [speaking of Tracy] What are her leading characteristics? C. K. Dexter Haven: She has a horror of men who wear their hats in the house. Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: Leading characteristics to be filled in later. Macaulay Connor: I can fil...
Macaulay Connor: [drunk, to driver] Well, this is where Cinderella gets off, now you hurry back to the ball before you turn into a pumpkin and six white mice, goodbye.
Tracy Lord: Aren't you coming Liz? Elizabeth (Liz) Imbrie: Well, it seems I've got to commit suicide first.
Macaulay Connor: [drunk] You going my way miss? Tracy Lord: [drunk] That's "Miss Goddess" to you Macaulay Connor: Okay, Miss Goddess To Me.
Macaulay Connor: Tell four footmen to call me in time for lunch will you?