Guard: [at the wall] I'm charged with guarding the portal to another world, and you're asking me to just let you through!
Young Dunstan Thorn: Yes. Because, let's be honest, it's a field. Look,
[the guard points to the field at the other side of the wall]
Young Dunstan Thorn: Do you see another world out there? No, you see a field. Do you see anything non-human? No. And you know why? Because it's a field!
Guard: Hundreds of years this wall's been here. Hundreds of years this gap's been under a twenty-four-hour guard.
Young Dunstan Thorn: Well...
[the guard interrupts him]
Guard: One more word, and I'll have you up in front of the village council!
Young Dunstan Thorn: Well that... that sounds rather final... I suppose I'd better just go home then...
Guard: Right then. Night, Dunstan.
[Dunstan begins to walk away]
Guard: Give my best to your father.
[Suddenly Dunstan turns around and runs and crosses the wall]
Guard: Stop! Stop!
[Dunstan keeps running]