Sir John Middleton: Now, Miss Dashwood, it's your turn to entertain us. Elinor Dashwood: Oh no, Sir John, I don't... Sir John Middleton: And I believe I know what key you will sing in. "F" major.
Marianne: Did you see him? He expressed himself well, did he not? Mrs. Dashwood: With great decorum and honour. Marianne: And spirit and wit and feeling! Elinor: And economy - ten words at most.
Margaret: [in church] Do you think he'll kneel down when he asks her? Elinor Dashwood: Shh! Margaret: [from the pulpit] The fear of Him is the beginning of wisdom. Margaret: They always kneel down.
Edward Ferrars: I trust I find you all well? Marianne: Thank you, Edward, we are all very well. Margaret: We've been enjoying very fine weather. [Marianne nudges her] Margaret: Well, we have. Edward Ferrars: Well, I-I'm glad to hear it. The roads wer...
Elinor Dashwood: Mama, [deep sigh] Elinor Dashwood: there is a painful difference between the expectation of an unpleasant event and its final certainty.
Marianne: Colonel Brandon. [Though trying to slip out, he eases slowly back into the room, almost afraid to speak] Marianne: Thank you. [a fleeting look of mild gratitude crosses his face from these first sincerely kind words she's ever spoken to him...
Charlotte Palmer: Miss Dashwood, if only Mr Willoughby had gone home to Combe Magna, we could have taken Miss Marianne to see him, for we live but half a mile away. Mr. Palmer: Five and a half. Charlotte Palmer: No, I cannot believe it is that far, f...
Lucy: It is a very great secret. I've told nobody in the world for fear of discovery. Fanny: [greedily] I am the soul of discretion. Lucy: If I dared tell... Fanny: I can assure you, I'm as silent as the grave. [Lucy whispers in Fanny's ear; Fanny's ...
Margaret: Oh, please don't say anything important.
Marianne: And as for you, you have no right, no right at all, to parade your ignorant assumptions... Margaret: They're not assumptions, you told me. Marianne: I told you nothing. Margaret: They'll meet him when he comes, anyway. Marianne: Margaret, t...
Mrs. Dashwood: Surely you're not going to deny us beef as well as sugar. Elinor Dashwood: There is nothing under 10 pence a pound, Mamma. We must economise. Mrs. Dashwood: Do you want us to starve? Elinor Dashwood: No. Just not to eat beef.
Thomas: I fetched those beef fillets for you ma'am. Mrs. Dashwood: It was far less expensive in Exeter. Anyway, it's for Marianne.
Margaret: He must like you very much. Marianne: It is not just for me. It is for all of us.
Fanny: Oh, a cottage! How charming. A little cottage is always very snug.
Marianne: I was never so grateful in all my life as I am to Mrs. Jennings. Oh, Elinor, I shall see Willoughby and you will see Edward. Are you asleep? Elinor Dashwood: With you in the room? Marianne: I do not believe you feel as calm as you look, Eli...
Elinor Dashwood: Whatever his past actions, whatever his present course... at least you may be certain that he loved you. Marianne: But not enough. Not enough.
Marianne: Are we never to have a moment's peace? The rent here may be low but I believe we have it on very hard terms. Elinor Dashwood: Mrs Jennings is a wealthy woman with a married daughter. She has nothing to do but marry off everyone else's.
Marianne: Is there any felicity in the world superior to this? Margaret: I told you it would rain. Marianne: There's some blue sky! Let us chase it!