[Arguing about whether or not to attack the radio nest] Mellish: I'm just saying, this seems like an unnecessary risk considering our objective, sir. Captain Miller: Our objective is to win the war.
[Srgt. Horvath just got shot for the third time] Captain Miller: Mike, Are you all right? Sergeant Horvath: I just got the wind knocked out of me. I'm fine!
Sergeant Horvath: Maybe I should go up the middle, sir. Captain Miller: The way you run? I don't think so. Sergeant Horvath: Maybe I should go up the left, sir. Captain Miller: Maybe you should shut up!
Sergeant Horvath: Why don't you just hand 'em blindfolds, Captain? Captain Miller: All we can do here is die.
Private: [when setting the German soldiers on fire] Don't shoot! LET THEM BURN!
Mellish: [as a column of German prisoners passes by] Juden. [pauses] Mellish: Juden. [pauses] Mellish: Juden! Mellish: [Shows star of David necklace to prisoners] I'm... Juden, you know? [pauses] Mellish: Juuuuuuuuuuuuden!
Mellish: [to Dagwood DuselDorf] Your father was circumcised by my rabbi, you prick!
Private: [shouting and under intense fire] What's the rallying point? Captain Miller: Anywhere but here!
Captain Miller: This Ryan better be worth it. He'd better go home and cure some disease or invent a longer-lasting lightbulb or something. 'Cause the truth is, I wouldn't trade 10 Ryans for one Vecchio or one Caparzo. Sergeant Horvath: Amen.
[first lines] Ryan's son: [running to comfort his father] Dad? [flashback to D-Day] LCVP pilot: [shouting out the soldiers on the raft] CLEAR THE RAMP! THIRTY SECONDS! GOD BE WITH YA!
Corporal Upham: Caparzo, is it? Private Caparzo: Hey Corporal, drop dead! Corporal Upham: Got you. Private Caparzo: And another thing, every time you salute the Captain, you make him a target for the Germans. Do us a favor. Don't do it. Especially wh...
Captain Miller: James Francis Ryan from Iowa? Private Ryan: Yes sir. How'd you guess that?
[lining up a rifle shot] Private Jackson: Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Captain Miller: [shouting] Bangalores, clear the shingle. Private: Fire in the hole. Sergeant Horvath: Fire in the hole. Private: Fire in the hole. Private: [lights his bangalore] Medic Wade: Fire in the hole. [Bangalors blow up and the barbed wire i...
Private Ryan: Uh sir? Where am I to be during all this? Captain Miller: No more than two feet away from me. And that's not negotiable.
Captain Miller: Get your gear. Let's go. [Reiben stays put] Sergeant Horvath: You heard him, gear up. Your captain just gave you an order. Private Reiben: Yeah, like the one he gave to take this machine gun. That was a real doosey, wasn't it? [walks ...
Captain Miller: Whose goin' left? Private Jackson: I'll do it. I'll go left.