Gossie McKee: What the hell's Ray doin' up there?
Marlene: Auditionin' for you Gossie.
Gossie McKee: He ain't no good without me.
Marlene: How'd you and the 'Bama like to do a week here at the Chair. I know a good bass player. Nice jazz trio can score big. With the right manager.
Gossie McKee: Manager?
Marlene: Come on now, Gossie, don't be so small minded. You know you have to give to get.
Gossie McKee: What exactly do I have to give?
Marlene: Twenty-five percent. But I'll be gettin' you other gigs.
Gossie McKee: Alright. Next question. What do I get?
Marlene: What do you need?
Gossie McKee: Double scale as leader. Plus ten percent.
Marlene: What about the 'Bama?
Gossie McKee: He's about as green as a blade of grass. I can handle him.
Marlene: Yeah, he's green alright. So, Gossie, you don't have to worry about finding a hotel room for the 'Bama. He can flop at my place.
Gossie McKee: You don't never change.