Father Barry: You'd better get rid of that gun, unless you haven't got the guts, and if you don't, you'd better hang on to it!
Father Barry: Boys, this is my church! And if you don't think Christ is down here on the waterfront you've got another guess coming!
Edie: But Pop, I've seen things that I know are so wrong. Now how can I go back to school and keep my mind on... on things that are just in books, that-that-that aren't people living?
Terry: If I spill, my life ain't worth a nickel. Father Barry: And how much is your soul worth if you don't?
[Terry returns to Johnny Friendly's bar after setting up Joey Doyle] Charlie: So, how'd it go? Terry: He up on the roof. Charlie: The "pigeon"? Terry: Uh, yeah, it worked.
[last lines] Johnny: Where you guys going? Wait a minute! I'll remember this! I'll remember every one of you! I'll be back! Don't you forget that! I'll be back!
Terry: Yeah his racket, everybody's got a racket.
Edie: What kind of saint hides in a church?
[first lines] Johnny: [to Terry] You take it from here, Slugger.
Kid: [crying] A pigeon for a pigeon!