Verna: Maybe that's why I like you, Tom. I've never met anyone who made being a son of a bitch such a point of pride.
Tom Reagan: [after the attempt on Leo's life] Who's winning? Terry: We are, for the nonce. Tom Reagan: What's the disposition? Terry: Four to one, Dana Cudahy went up with the house. Tom Reagan: And theirs? Terry: One burned... Tom Reagan: The other ...
Verna: What did you tell Leo? Tom Reagan: I told him you were a tramp and he should dump you.
Eddie Dane: Jesus, I open my mouth, the whole world turns smart.
[repeated line] Tom Reagan: Nobody knows anybody, not that well...
Tom Reagan: Miss me? Verna: Drop dead!
Andy: Hello, Tom. How are ya? Care to scrape a knuckle on your playmate here? Tom Reagan: No. Thanks though, Andy. Andy: Well, if you change your mind, we'll be [returns to pummeling thug tied to chair] Andy: interrogating for a while.
Tom Reagan: Last I heard, Leo was still running this town. O'Doole: Yeah, well, he won't be for long if this keeps up. It's no good for anyone. You said as much yourself... Tom Reagan: First off, O'Doole, I can say what I please to Leo and about him....
Eddie Dane: Hey, Tic-Tac! You ever notice how the snappy dialogue dries up once a guy starts soiling his union suit?
Leo O'Bannion: Goddamn kid's just like a twist!
Caspar's Driver: Ain't it the life, though?
Verna: You're a pathetic rumhead! Tom Reagan: And I love you, angel!
Tom Reagan: Then it's not just the money he's after. He's got a wart on his fanny. Johnny Caspar: Huh? Tom Reagan: He's got a wart. On his fanny. Giving him the fidgets.
Verna: I guess we both double-crossed Leo. He's well rid of us both. The two of us Tom, we're about bad enough to deserve each other. Tom Reagan: Are we? Verna: We're a couple of heels, Tom. Yes we are.