Mr. Dawes Sr.: Well, do you have anything to say, Banks?
George Banks: Well, sir, they do say that when there's nothing to say, all you can say...
[He feels Michael's tuppence in his pocket, takes it out and looks at it]
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Confound it, Banks! I said do you have anything to say?
George Banks: [begins giggling hysterically] Just one word, sir...
Mr. Dawes Sr.: Yes?
George Banks: Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious!
Mr. Dawes Sr.: What?
George Banks: Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious! Mary Poppins was right, it's extraordinary! It *does* make you feel better! Hee hee hee hee!
Mr. Dawes Sr.: What are you talking about, man? There's no such word!
George Banks: Oh yes! It is a word! A perfectly good word! Actually, do you know what there's no such thing as? It turns out, with due respect, when all is said and done, that there's no such thing as YOU!