Mary Wilke: Isn't it beautiful out? Isaac Davis: Yeah, it's really so pretty when the light starts to come up. Mary Wilke: Yeah, I know. I love it. Isaac Davis: Boy, this is really a great city, I don't care what anybody s-s - it's really a knock-out...
Jeremiah: I'm going to a synposium on semantics.
Isaac Davis: You certainly fooled me. [crosstalk] Mary Wilke: What do you mean? Isaac Davis: I mean, I was shocked. 'cause that's not what - this is not what I expected. Mary Wilke: What did you expect? Isaac Davis: I don't know. You said you, you kn...
Tracy: Let's fool around. Let's do it some strange way that you've always wanted to, but nobody would do with you.
Isaac Davis: So what does, what does your analyst say? I mean, did you speak to him? Mary Wilke: Well, Donnie's in a coma, he had a very bad acid experience.
Isaac Davis: She's 17. I'm 42 and she's 17. I'm older than her father, can you believe that? I'm dating a girl, wherein, I can beat up her father.
Mary Wilke: What are you thinking? Isaac Davis: I dunno, I was just thinking. There must be something wrong with me, because I've never had a relationship with a woman that's lasted longer than the one between Hitler and Eva Braun.
Isaac Davis: Don't stare at me with those big eyes. Geez, you look like one of those barefoot kids from Boliva who needs foster parents.
[Looking at old meat] Isaac Davis: Corn beef should not be blue
Mary Wilke: Well tell me, why did you get a divorce? Isaac Davis: Why? I got a divorce because my ex-wife left me for another woman. Mary Wilke: Really? God, that must have been really demoralizing. Isaac Davis: Well, I dunno, I thought I took it rat...
Isaac Davis: I got a kid, he's being raised by two women at the moment. Mary Wilke: Oh, y'know, I mean I think that works. Uh, they made some studies, I read in one of the psychoanalytic quarterlies. You don't need a male, I mean. Two mothers are abs...
Pizzeria Waiter: Who ordered the green peppers? Was that you? Must've been. Anchovies, sausage, mushrooms, garlic and green peppers. Isaac Davis: Forgot the coconut.
Isaac Davis: No, I didn't read the piece on China's faceless masses, I was, I was checking out the lingerie ads.
Tracy: Let's fool around, it'll take your mind off it. Isaac Davis: Hey, how many times a night can you, how, how often can you make love in an evening? Tracy: Well, a lot. Isaac Davis: Yeah! I can tell, a lot. That's, well, a lot is my favorite numb...
Mary Wilke: Don't psychoanalyze me. I pay a doctor for that. Isaac Davis: Hey, you call that guy that you talk to a doctor? I mean, you don't get suspicious when your analyst calls you at home at three in the morning and weeps into the telephone? Mar...
Isaac Davis: I give the whole thing... four weeks. That's it. Mary Wilke: I, I can't plan that far in advance. Isaac Davis: You can't plan four weeks in advance? Mary Wilke: No! Isaac Davis: What kind of foresight is that?
Isaac Davis: They probably sit around on the floor with wine and cheese, and mispronounce allegorical and didacticism.
Willie Davis: Why can't we have frankfurters? Isaac Davis: Because, this is the Russian Tea Room.