Dec: Billy, I understand you've got a prize for our competition winners. Billy Mack: Yes I have, Ant or Dec. It's a - it's a personalized felt tip pen.
Annie: Right, I'll go get my things, and then let's fix the country, shall we? Prime Minister: Yeah, I can't see why not.
Carol-Anne, American Goddess: The thing that's gonna make it more crowded? Harriet. Jeannie, American Angel: Oh, Harriet! Carol-Anne, American Goddess: You haven't met Harriet. Colin: There's a fourth one? Carol-Anne, American Goddess, Jeannie, Amer...
Carla, the real friendly one: Hello, you must be Tony. I heard you were gorgeous.
Harry: Christmas shopping, never an easy or a pleasant task.
Harry: And of course your mobile goes.
[about Peter] Sarah: Do you love him? Mark: Uh, b- What? Sarah: No, I... I just thought I'd ask the blunt question.
Daniel: We need Kate, and we need Leo. And we need them now. Come on. [they go in and watch [link=tt0120338]]
Colin: Beautiful muffin for a beautiful lady