Quote from : Elite Squad: The Enemy Within Movie

Fortunato: What's happening to our city Rio de Janeiro? What's happening to our wonderful city? Thugs come into a police station and steal weapons. Weapons from inside a police station! This isn't crime, no sir. This is terrorism! Don't talk to me about human rights, because terrorists, to me, aren't people. It's because of "blah, blah, blah, human rights". Can't touch the thugs Don't touch the thugs. Don't touch the thugs. Give candy to the thugs. Send roses to the thugs. This is a circus, man. Here, close in on me, Imperador. Governor... you know what this is? This is a little dance. This is what will happen to your administration. Your administration will dance if you don't respond, because these thugs will take these guns to take on your government. We can't let that happen. What is this, people? What is this? They want to fight the administration that best cleaned up this city of narcotics trafficking. Governor... Destroy them!