Danny Archer: Don't worry, we'll be fine, huh?
Danny Archer: Listen, you take off, soon as I'm out the door, you don't land until I raise you on the set front.
[Danny gets off the helicopter]
Nabil: You be careful, Danny!
Danny Archer: Don't worry, they want these guns too much to do anything stupid!
[walks over to the captain, lights a cigarette]
Danny Archer: Where's commander Zero?
Commander Rambo: I am Captain Rambo.
Danny Archer: Right. Right, I've seen your films, huh?
Danny Archer: I'm looking for Commander Zero, huh?
Commander Rambo: He's inside. You talk to me. You are here to help us in our struggle against the governmen...
Danny Archer: [tuts] I'm here to do business with Commander Zero, all right?
Commander Rambo: [takes out his gun, walks over to Danny, takes his cigarette, and puffs in his face]
Danny Archer: All right, you are the man, huh? You are the man.