Meg Swan: Oh, God! She's not even responding to the toy!
Hamilton Swan: You've got your Busy Bee! Do you want your Busy Bee?
Dr. Theodore W. Millbank III: And really, I think what we're talking about is standards, basically; very, very specific, rigid, you could say, but in this world where would we be without them, I think. And notice where we are.
Stefan Vanderhoof: I think we're overpacking.
Hamilton Swan: I'm now a big old tchai tea latte soy milk kind of guy. Meg Swan: Mmm. Soy. Because of the lactose. You're lactose intolerant now.
Stefan Vanderhoof: Too much information.
Meg Swan: Thanks a lot, you stupid hotel manager!
Buck Laughlin: I went to one of those obedience places once... it was all going well until they spilled hot candle wax on my private parts.
Buck Laughlin: I'd hate to go on a date with Judge Edie Franklin and have her judge me, that'd be no fun.
Buck Laughlin: I don't think I could ever get used to being poked and prodded like that. I told my proctologist one time, "Why don't you take me out to dinner and a movie sometime?" Trevor Beckwith: Yes, I remember you said that last year.
Buck Laughlin: Am I nuts? Something's wrong with his feet. Trevor Beckwith: I never thought I'd find myself saying this, but you're right. Buck Laughlin: He's got two left feet! Man, go get'm pal.
[an additional scene from the dvd, at Stefan's hair salon] Stefan Vanderhoof: When I started here all there was was lampshade warehouses and leather bars, the serious leather bars where you wouldn't get in unless you had a rubber ball stuffed in your...
Stefan Vanderhoof: [talking about the first time he saw Scott showing a dog] They had the same prance, the same rhythm, it was like they were two members of the same body. Scott Donlan: I knew a guy who had two members on the same body, dated him for...
Cookie Fleck: Don't worry Gerry, I know where I'm at. But that was fun.