Jack Lipnick: It's supposed to be about big men! In tights! Both physically and mentally!
Charlie: Yeah... Ladies do ask for attention. In my experience, they pretend to give it, but it's generally a smokescreen for demanding it back with interest.
Barton: I don't like to discuss Works in Progress. If I let the words tumble out prematurely, it changes it, and I may never get it back.
Jack Lipnick: Kiss this man's feet!
W.P. Mayhew: Did I ever tell you the story of Solomon's Mammy?
W.P. Mayhew: If I close my eyes I can almost smell a live oak. Audrey Taylor: That's chicken fat, hun. W.P. Mayhew: Well, my olfactory's gone all womanish on me. Lyin' and deceitful.
W.P. Mayhew: Me, well I just like makin' things up.
W.P. Mayhew: I pays my baby love and she pays me back with pity. The basest coin there is...
W.P. Mayhew: I'm buildin' up a levy one brick at a time...
Barton: That son of a bitch! Don't get me wrong, he's a fine writer...