Deep Throat: What's the topic for tonight?
Bob Woodward: Rat-fucking.
Deep Throat: [lights a cigarette] In my day it was called double-cross. In simple context, it means infiltration of the Democrats.
Bob Woodward: Segretti wouldn't cooperate, but if he would we know he would implicate Chapin.
Deep Throat: And that will put you inside the White House.
Bob Woodward: Be specific. How high up?
Deep Throat: You'll have to find that out for yourself. I'm taking great risk meeting you here. I don't like newspapers. I don't care for any exact aptitude then shallowness.
Bob Woodward: CREEP's slush fund... we've just about got that down nailed town with the rat-fucking, I don't know how...
[footsteps are heard in the distance]
Deep Throat: Did you remember to change cabs before coming here?
Bob Woodward: Yeah. Does the FBI know what we know? Does the Justice Department? Why haven't they done anything?
Deep Throat: If it didn't deal directly with the Watergate break-in, they didn't pursue.