[after making a plan to weld the doors shut and put the sentry units] Hicks: Outstanding. Now all we need is a deck of cards.
Hudson: [puts his rifle against Burke's head] I say we grease this rat-fuck son-of-a-bitch right now. Hicks: It just doesn't make any goddamn sense. Ripley: He figured that he could get an alien back through quarantine, if one of us was... impregnate...
[Hudson is frantically mowing down aliens] Hudson: Come on! Come on! Come and get it, baby! Come on! I don't got all day! Come on! Come on! Come on you bastard! Come on, you too! Oh, you want some of this? Fuck you!
Bishop: Not bad for a human.
Hudson: [reading a motion detector] I got signals. I got readings, in front and behind. Frost: Where, man? I don't see shit. Hicks: He's right. There's nothin' back here. Hudson: Look, I'm telling ya, there's somethin' movin' and it ain't us! Tracker...
Ferro: [as dropship enters atmosphere] We're in the pipe, five by five.
Ripley: [pointing to part of gun Hicks is showing her] What's this? Hicks: That's the grenade launcher. I don't think you want to mess with that. Ripley: You started this. Show me everything. I can handle myself. Hicks: [chuckles] Yeah, I noticed.
Insurance Man: Thank you Ripley, that will be all. Ripley: [aggravated] Goddammit, that's not all! 'Cause if one of those things gets down here then that *will* be all! And all this, [Ripley grabs up a few pieces of paper] Ripley: this *bullshit* you...
Hudson: Oh dear Lord Jesus, this ain't happening, man... This can't be happening, man! This isn't happening!
Gorman: Morning, Marines. I'm sorry we didn't have time to brief you people before we left Gateway, but... Hudson: Sir? Gorman: What is it, Hicks? Hudson: Hudson, sir. [points] Hudson: He's Hicks.
Gorman: [Calling Apone over the radio] Look, uh, Apone. [Apone snaps his fingers] Gorman: Look, we can't have any firing in there. I, uh, I want you to collect magazines from everybody. Hudson: Is he fuckin' crazy? Frost: What do you expect us to use...
Drake: Hey, Hicks. Man, you look just like I feel.
Hudson: Hey top, what's the op? Apone: It's a rescue mission, you'll love it. There's some juicy colonists' daughters we have to rescue from their virginity. Heh!
Hicks: Drake, we are LEAVING!
Drake: They ain't paying us enough for this, man. Dietrich: Not enough to have to wake up to your face, Drake. Drake: What? Is that a joke? Dietrich: Oh, I wish it were.
Apone: All right, sweethearts, you're a team and there's nothin' to worry about. We come here, and we gonna conquer, and we gonna kick some, is that understood? That's what we gonna do, sweethearts, we are going to go and get some. All right, people,...
Ferro: Stand by to initiate release sequencer. On my mark. Five. Four. Hudson: We're on an express elevator to hell; going down! Ferro: Three. Two. One. Mark.
Ripley: Just tell me one thing, Burke. You're going out there to destroy them, right? Not to study. Not to bring back. But to wipe them out. Burke: That's the plan. You have my word on it. Ripley: All right, I'm in.