I’m going to go out on a limb and say that’s the best place to hang a noose. More politicians need to be sticking their necks out for us.
Just when you thought you’d considered all the angles, life goes from a square to a cube. Love should also be 3D.
Love isn’t in a hurry like a flurry of flowery words on paper. It’s lush and slow to grow its aroma in the garden of time.
I have a tongue like a rose petal, and when I say I love you, it has the fragrance of truth. My words are my garden, and I’m planting our future.
I’ll make your heart melt like a puddle of love. Then I’ll swim across it—nude. Pricing for birthday parties does include the midgets.
I’ll carry Carrie like my hands are empty and my heart is full. I should probably get a shopping cart, to make it easier to haul it all around.
Sometimes love will break your heart in two. Or three, depending on if there's an extra person involved, or how unmanageably large your heart is.
I have nothing to hide, because I have nothing. Well, I do have love for you, but I keep that openly safe in your boyfriend’s heart.
I’ll wear a maze on a necklace, dangling over my chest, because if you want to get at my heart, you have to be ready to lose yourself.
I have the superhero gift of invisibility. I must be invisible, because the woman I love doesn’t see me. I might as well be into Helen Keller.
It’s Wednesday, and I just made a fresh batch of Thursdays. Buy one while they’re still hot! They go on sale Friday.
Nothing carries meaning. People carry meaning. We are the porters of importance.
Hide things everywhere. Forget about them. Find them randomly and feel surprised like a pirate finding buried treasure. Avoid scurvy. Love more.
I love Guns N’ Roses. Reminds me of the last time I tried to pick flowers from my neighbor’s garden.
Of all sports, wrestling is the most like cuddling. I’m all sweaty because I’m training hard to show her how much I love her.
I know half, and I know two guys who each know half of half, so together we’re altogether. Let this be a lesson in networking.
I’m half chameleon, half camouflage, and wholly in love with you, though you’d never be able to see it.
Great earrings would be little speakers, so she can hear better. Or maybe she just wasn’t listening all those times I told her I loved her.