Never eat anything bigger than your ass.
suffer. you could say it means endure, but thats not exactly right
Someone once wrote that a novel should deliver a series of small astonishments. I get the same thing spending an hour with you.
One day, she ventured to the palace library and was delighted to find what good company books could be.
Always do what you're afraid to do. ... I will prove myself strong when they think I am sick. I will prove myself brave when they think I am weak.
I will prove myself strong, when they think I am sick. I will prove myself brave, when they think I am weak.
Then he pulled out a handgun and shot me in the chest. I was standing on the lawn and I fell. The bullet hole opened wide and my heart rolled out of my rib cage and down into a flower bed. Blood gushed rhythmically from my open wound, then from my ey...
Divorce shreds the muscles of our hearts so that they will hardly beat without a struggle.
For Gat with everything, everything. Cady
Always do what you're afraid to do.
My head and shoulders melted first, followed by my hips and knees. Before long I was a puddle, soaking into the pretty cotton prints. I drenched the quilt she never finished, rusted the metal parts of her sewing machine. I was pure liquid loss...
Someone once wrote that a novel should deliver a series of small astonishments. I get the same thing spending an hour with you. Also, here is a green toothbrush tied in a ribbon. It expresses my feelings inadequately.. Better than chocolate, being wi...
Be a little kinder than you have to.
They know that tragedy is not glamorous. They know it doesn't play out in life as it does on a stage or between the pages of a book. It is neither a punishment meted out nor a lesson conferred. Its horrors are not attributable to one single person. T...
He was contemplation and enthusiasm. Ambition and strong coffee. I could have looked at him forever.
Better than chocolate, being with you last night. Silly me, I thought that nothing was better than chocolate.
Whoever dies with the most stuff wins.
See the world as it is, not as you wish it would be