God may withhold an answer to prayer until we relinquish control of the outcome and put our complete trust in Him.
By remembering how much we have to be grateful for we remind ourselves how beautifully God is already providing for our current needs.
God used my year of waiting not to frustrate me, or abandon me, but to draw me into a closer relationship with Him.
God’s joy can fill our days with gladness until we receive the answer we are waiting for.
At times, it can feel like the loneliest place on Earth, because it’s just us. Alone with our unanswered prayers
By recalling God’s past provision, we can reassure ourselves that what He has done in the past, He will do again in the future.
If we will turn to God in prayer, and if we will seek His comfort through His Words in the Bible, we will find our hearts and minds healed.
Knowing that God is the Provider of Limitless Blessing, I’d like to challenge you, in the midst of your own trials, to ask how you can bless someone else today.
As I look back on my life, I understand now that there were some very important moments when my unanswered prayer was actually God’s greatest blessing