We definitely don't exist just for the sake of welcoming death someday; I believe we live for the sake of living on." —Kazuto Kirigaya "Kirito" (Sword Art Online)
Odrasla sam u lijepom razdoblju koje je, nažalost, već prošlo. Bilo je u njemu velike spremnosti na promjene i sposobnosti snivanja revolucionarnih vizija. Danas više nitko nema hrabrosti izmisliti nešto novo. Neprekidno se govori kako jest i ra...
Humans are often more stupid than they realize. Because of our weaknesses are so easily exploited. Just like a child's clumsy fingers messing up the buttons on a shirt. It's easy to mock someone who buttoned his shirt wrongly. It's easy to mock someo...
Alguns episódios tristes são necessários para darmos valor aos felizes. Afinal, são todos eles somados que nos fazem crescer... e que fazem a série da nossa vida valer a pena.
Argi nesuvokei, kad didžiausios žmonijos nelaimės kyla iš vargo ir bado? Niekam tikusiais mediniais arklais valstiečiai rausia žemę, prastais, sudilusiais instrumentais dirba amatininkai. Kas nieko neturi, pavydi tam, kuris turi grašį. Bet j...
Kapitonas išplaukdamas į neatrastus kraštus nežino, kokį krantą suras jo laivas. Žmonėms neleista žinoti, kodėl jie ateina į šį pasaulį. Bet laivai plaukia ieškoti naujų žemių ir kiekvienas komandos jūreivis tikisi, jog laivo lauki...
Niekas negali pasikartoti. Niekas. Vėjas neša smėlį ir supusto barchanus. Jie visi panašūs vienas į kitą, bet vos tik įsižiūri – ir pamatai, kad skirtumų daugiau nei panašumų. Net smiltys nevienodos ir slenka kiekviena savaip. O ką j...
Juk kiekvienas gyvas žmogus turi savyje stebuklingą krislą, kurį jis gali padovanoti pasauliui. Nepaprasta laimė – atrasti tą stebuklą, sužinoti kokį turtą turi. Daugybė žmonių iki pat mirties žiūri į savo sielą, bet taip ir nepama...
The laws of nature are not intelligent,’ I replied. ‘The force of gravity is not intelligent. Electricity is not intelligent. A savage looking at a television might assume that it’s a sapient being, but we—’ ‘A sapient being? Looking at a...
The writer of fiction is not a scholar but an artist impacted emotionally by characters from life, who then strives to present these in his works. These characters present us with human truth but do not necessarily represent social truth.
If literature truly possesses a mysterious power, I think perhaps it is precisely this: that one can read a book by a writer of a different time, a different country, a different race, a different language, and a different culture and there encounter...
Who is the most worthy of admiration, musician or audience? Probably the musician will tell that his audience and the musician that his audience
We have learnt a lesson: words written in books, all of them, are lies. There are no exceptions. Words written on papers are all deceitful. If we put it in a more proper manner, counting non-fiction works, then things like documents, reports, and rev...
I confess that I have lived, so I confess that I have sinned.
Strong creatures don't form herds. Have they never heard of a lone wolf? Cats are cute, and wolves are cool. So in essence, loners are cute and cool.
People are... Full of contradictions. They're lonely. And then they're not. They're missed. And then they're not.
I've been desperately in love with you.
Sunkus tai darbas – mylėti. Nesvarbu, ar žmogų – grubia kūniška meile, ar savo šalį – ištikimai ir pagarbiai, kaip pridera sūnui, ar Viešpatį – visa širdimi ir siela. O keisčiausia, kad kuo aukštesnė meilė, tuo lengviau ją ž...