Dorian said, 'If you do the right thing twice, it will cost you your life. ' Blint said, 'There are things more valuable than life.' The count said, 'You can't pay for all you've done. But you aren't beyond redemption. There's always a way out. And i...
Your Majesty,” Durzo said gravely. “A man of your stature’s cursing vocabulary ought to extend beyond a tedious reiteration of the excreta that fills the void between his ears.” - Durzo Blint
Love is a madness. Love is Failer - Durzo Blint
Words were another sword for the man who wielded them well.
Assassination is an art, milord. And I am the city's most accomplished artist.
Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose. - Durzo Blint
A man’s greatest treasures are his illusions - Durzo Blint
Dad, one of my first memories is of sharing my worry with you about the space shuttle poking holes in the atmosphere and letting out all of Earth's air.
It had better be. It doesn't do much when it's soft.
Nekünk áldozatunk van. Miért nevezzük áldozatnak? Mert amikor elfogadunk egy megbízást, az illető hátralévő rövidke élete puszta formaság.
Do you know what punishments I've endured for my crimes, my sins? None. I am proof of the absurdity of men's most treasured abstractions. A just universe wouldn't tolerate my existence.
Az olyanok, mint ön, nem jönnek el hozzánk, csupán egy életen át tehetetlennek érzik magukat, mintha valami többre lennének hivatottak, mint amik valójában, de soha nem tudnak áttörni ezen.
Ha a könnycseppek képesek lettek volna félúton lecsordulva megfagyni, hát az övéi megtették volna
The perfect killer has no friends. Only targets.