Aku berasal dari budaya yang mengaku menghormati hak asasi manusia, tapi menikmati materialisme yang dibangun atas dasar eksploitasi buruh di negara lain. Aku hidup dalam sebuah bangsa yang populasinya berjumlah 5 persen dari penduduk dunia, tapi men...
Stop being so greedy, and so selfish. Realize that there is more to the world than your big houses and fancy stores. People are starving and you worry about oil for your cars. Babies are dying of thirst and you search the fashion pages for the latest...
The first question we must address deals with optimism, the possibility of achieving our goal. Are we in a position where we can actually hope to effect change? Assuming we become convinced that there are reasons for optimism, we move to the next que...
In response to my question about how we might rein in the empire, he said, "That's why I'm meeting with you. Only you in the United States can change it. Your government created this problem and your people must solve it. You've got to insist that Wa...