Do you want to make a change?...Do you want this change? Then let's move at God`s pace.
The Prince and the PauperAre you the fruit of redemption? If yes, then make a delightful noise unto Him.
The Prince and the PauperAnother way of remaining in intimacy with God is by remaining in His presence.
The Prince and the PauperYour behavior is the sum total of your action and reaction to issues and people around you.
The Prince and the PauperGod is not a thief. That which steals, kills and destroys is the devil - not God!
The Prince and the PauperWhen you begin to reason with the Lord, your attitude to the issues of life will change.
The Prince and the PauperYou don't need to go running from pillar to post looking for what God looks like.
The Prince and the Pauper