Advice!Nobody tells us how to be men. We just are." "That is probably why you make such a bad job of it.- Perrin and Egwene
If you boys... you men can do what has to be done when you'd rather do almost anything else, why do you think I will do less? Or Egwene
A thousand stories had painted cities in his mind, the great cities of kings and queens, of thrones and powers and legends, and Caemlyn fit into those mind-deep pictures and water fits into a jug.
The young man who stood there was the handsomest mad Rand had ever seen, almost too handsome for masculinity.
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.
Two days' hunger made a fine sauce for anything.
Whether the bear beats the wolf or the wolf beats the bear, the rabbit always loses.
Strange clothes you wear, Child of the Dragon. Has the Wheel turned so far? Do the People of the Dragon return to the first Covenant? But you wear a sword. That is neither now nor then.
Taren Ferry folk had a reputation for slyness and trickery. If you shook hands with a Taren Ferry man, people said, you counted your fingers afterwards.
Even fools say something worthwhile now and again. Even a blind pig finds an acorn sometimes.
It was easier to be brave when someone needed your protection.
The old blood is indeed still strong in the Two Rivers.
You can't give up. You can't ever give up. If you give up you might as well be dead.