You are making a difference in Life. Whether or not you realize it, every action, every re-action, or every non-action impacts Life. The question to ask yourself is not whether you are making a difference, but whether that difference is positive or n...
Fear is the negative emotion that brings every traceable hardship into our life. Only Love can free us from fear.
Love opens all channels, while Fear closes them down. Love facilitates sharing, while Fear demands selfishness. Love allows us to be exposed, while Fear insists we be covered. Love provides unconditional acceptance, while fear stipulates requirements...
Only love can free us from fear. Fear causes us to cower in the shadows; Love allows us to dance in the sunlight.
Many people do not want to forfeit their fears. Fear is the only tool they know.
Love contains no fear, because the mere presence of fear desecrates love and makes it something less than pure. (Imagine) you have two 5-gallon buckets. In one you have 2 gallons of pure water (Love) and in the other you have 2 gallons of toxic waste...
Money is an inanimate object. It can do good works or bad works depending on the hands that wield it, and the hearts governing those hands.
We seldom question the purpose of life when our world is sunny and bright. This question tends to hide itself during pleasant sailing, only rearing its face during the deepest and darkest travails, when the gales of storm weather have fallen.