A blanket could keep a family of three warm for a lifetime, but global warming could do the same for the world forever.
Blankets could be used to represent the warmth and comfort of Libertarian ideals. And the world would be a better place, if most politicians didn’t have bricks for brains.
Blankets could be used to keep politicians warm, when we kick them all to the street. They’ll be warm, but they’ll be bruised, because we’ll continue kicking them after they’re in the street.
A blanket could be used like a friend, if you’re the sort of person who uses their friends.
A blanket could be used in surgery. But personally, I’d rather use a surgeon.
A blanket could be used as a scapegoat. But I’d rather use real goats, because they make better cheese.
A blanket could be used to suppress the will of the people. Every politician needs to keep this in mind when trying to retain power. Is America warm from the collected body heat, or from shared rage at being robbed from, lied to, and abused by the el...
A blanket could be used as a tank, if you rearrange the letters and leave out the leb. But why would you leave out the leb? That’s the most dangerous part. (The leb is the most dangerous part, because it’s the unknown).
Blankets could be employed to keep the people standing in the unemployment line warm. Well, they could be, if the people weren’t already hot with rage at the ineptitude and greed of the political class.
A blanket could be used as an inherently destructive force, if you can just get past the brick stage.
A hotel is more than bricks and blankets. A hotel is a welcoming atmosphere, and a place to engage in a business transaction with a prostitute.
A brick could be used to motivate. Just hold it up as an example of something that’s going nowhere in life.
A brick could be used in a knee replacement surgery, to build back the wall separating man from a sub four-minute mile. Damn you, Roger Bannister!
A brick could be used as a floating object that dispensed fresh water, if only it were lighter and shaped like a cloud.
Blankets could be used as scapegoats for global warming. But why blame the blankets? Wouldn’t it be more fun, and more accurate, to blame politicians?
A brick could be used as a period on a really large sentence. A blanket could be used as a really large tilde sign.
Bricks could have been used to stop Napoleon’s army from advancing into Russia. And blankets could have been used to keep Napoleon rolling in victories.
Bricks could be used to build stronger relationships. But so could bribes.