His straight and perfect figure, muscled as the best of the ancient Roman gladiators must have been muscled, and yet with the soft and sinuous curves of a Greek god, told at a glance the wondrous combination of enormous strength with suppleness and s...
Teach me to speak the language of men.
Even brave men, and D'Arnot was a brave man, are sometimes frightened by solitude.
P33- the wail of the living had answered the call of universal motherhood within her wild beast which the dead could not still.
Men were indeed more foolish and more cruel than the beasts of the jungle! How fortunate was he who lived in the peace and security of the great forest!
I do not understand exactly what you mean by fear," said Tarzan. "Like lions, fear is a different thing in different men, but to me the only pleasure in the hunt is the knowledge that the hunted thing has power to harm me as much as I have to harm hi...
P44- in tarzans clever little mind many thoughts revolved and back of these was his divine power of reason.
p 18 - Hundreds of thousands of years ago our ancestors of the dim and distant past faced the same problems which we must face in the same primeval forest. That we are here today evidences their victory.
Tut, tut! I have often admonished my pupils to count ten before speaking. Were I you, Mr. Philander, I should count at least a thousand, and then maintain a discreet silence.
I got this story from someone who had no business in the telling of it.
Captain Billings," he drawled finally, "if you will pardon my candor, I might remark that you are something of an ass, don't you know.