Experience has tutored me well that most will lie or cheat to get the better hand. It's why I prefer solitude to social interaction. - Bethany
I'm beginning to think my name has been changed to Damn it or Asshole" Styxx
Cause hearts are amazing things. They get lots bigger to make room for new people to love alongside the old people you love. -Simi
Life before toilet paper was not worth living.
It's not fair!" (Ryssa) Because life was ever about fairness. Oh, to be as naive as his sister.
The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces
He might fight under my badge, Bet'anya, but you're the only one he would die for.
You aren’t old enough to have such regrets.” “Pain doesn’t respect age, my lady.
Our lives are marked and shaped by our regrets. Things we all want to take back and can’t. In a perfect world, we would never hurt the ones we love or cause hurt to befall them. But the world isn’t perfect and neither are we
It’s amazing the damage we do to ourselves and others when all we’re trying to do is protect ourselves from being hurt.
Words are easy to say, but emotions betray the best intentions.
People make their own reality. That was what Praxis had taught him years ago. A hundred people can witness the exact same event, and give two hundred and three different accountings of it.
When someone is drowning and you try to save them, they're more likely to drown you before you pull them out.
There are three sides to every story: yours, theirs, and the truth somewhere in the middle.