La actual preocupación casi histérica por la seguridad es en el mejor de los casos un derroche de recursos y un obstáculo para el espíritu humano, y en el peor de los casos una invitación al totalitarismo. Se necesita con urgencia educación pú...
Like all trial attorneys, he knew the importance of not dressing too well.
Do you know what we call opinion in the absence of evidence? We call it prejudice.
When you have a strongly held belief, don't you think it's important to express that belief accurately?
Expectation works in mysterious ways---and totally unconsciously.
Nobody dares to solve the problems-because the solution might contradict your philosophy, and for most people clinging to beliefs is more important than succeeding in the world.
False fears are a plague, a modern plague!
Extrapolating from the statistical growth of the legal profession, by the year 2035 every single person in the United States will be a lawyer, including newborn infants.
The nasty little apes that call themselves human beings can do nothing except run and hide.
You can't get decent Mexican food in DC.
Sometimes I think everyone's an attorney.