Dad, she's beautiful. I remember where she was standing.
Once Addie let someone in, she was impossible to forget. There was something about her that crawled inside a person and built a nice comfy home there, her goodness expanding until it filled every limb.
A wrong was just righted. Take care of my best friend.
Look at me, making one of your dreams come true. You and your Norm truck driving around Normville." "You're practically a god.
I had seen a different side of her, the one where she didn't feel threatened by me, and I liked that side. That side was vulnerable and happy and kind.
Why are you lying to me? I'm so tired of people lying to me. Do I not deserve the truth? Do I look like someone who can't handle it?
I thought I wanted these memories, but now I realize he hardly knows me.
He sighed. "Does it get tiring?" "What?" "Always thinking you're right." I smiled. "No, not really. It's other people not realizing I'm right that gets tiring.