Everything that happens now in the online world is part of a conversation. The problem with this (if we can call it a problem) is that this conversation takes place frequently asynchronously and often across platforms.
Everything that happens now in the online world is part of a conversation.
Semantic search requires three things: Trust, Authority and Reputation. All three revolve around your digital profiles, their activity and the sentiment levels and engagement that each generates. Semantic search also requires differentiation – the ...
A business needs a character and an identity, just like a person and just like a person it needs to have a Voice.
When it comes to measuring the effectiveness of your engagement in the social media environment what counts are: Comments and Sentiment.
When it comes to semantic search and the success of your social media policy, truly, there is only one thing that absolutely counts: engagement.
Marketing effectively, in a semantic web, revolves around those three ‘little’ requirements: Trust, Authority, Reputation.