from the Prize winning poem - UNBORN in the book Terra Affirmative. "Under the surface / her body is curled, / seed of the one race, / shell of the world. // She is thw waterfall, / she is the womb, / she is the bubble, /she is the tomb. // Her hair ...
In the forestlichen writhes and assembles itself into signs to light my path through the deep dark north shadow; and I emerge at last onto a hillside strewn with logogrammatic stones, and scramble away from spruce tops." in the poem "Beyond the Beaco...
Green and living jewels drip into my eyes" from the poem "All Green and Living Things" in the book "Terra Affirmative
They come here wanting to be loved, and the boys on the stage receive them" from the poem - STAY in the Book - RidingTheEscalator
All in tune with love and the slow world moving" from the poem - STAY from the book - RidingTheEscalator
just a little bit longer, sing: like rain, like sand, like wind in the night, prickling" from the poem - STAY from the book "Riding the Escalator
like sunlight under their skins, they want to be loved" from the poem STAY in RidingTheEscalator
Inside my head / or in a distant / Galaxy / Soft I hear it / Calling me." from the song "In the Blackness" in the poetry collection "Terra Affirmative".
I am permitted to travel in the corridor between sky and heather" from the poem "Beyond the Beacon" in TerraAffirmative