I wonder if only artists can feel peace like this—such a gentle, inconspicuous peace that an ordinary person might not even notice.
Hiding a wound can cause a serious infection without healing. It has to be exposed and washed. Sure, the cleansing may cause pain at first—but, in the end, it brings healing, as well as relief.
Who do those boys think they are, treating us as if we are their property, taking away our innocence?
It’s easy to be a Christian when you’re living the perfect life. It’s easy to live a perfect life when God seems to be showering you with blessings.
Scars can actually be proof of a healing wound.
The moon is your reminder that God is never-changing, and you can always depend on Him to hear your prayers.
Life is too short, you know? You have to make the best of it. Do things most teenagers wouldn’t do.