Are you thankful for not being young?' 'Yes, sir. If I was young, it would all have to be gone through again, and the end would be a weary way off, don't you see?...
[She wasn't] a logically reasoning woman, but God is good, and hearts may count in heaven as high as heads.
And this is the eternal law. For, Evil often stops short at istelf and dies with the doer of it! but Good, never.
Wish me everything that you can wish for the woman you dearly love, and I have as good as got it, John. I have better than got it, John.
I really am a little afraid, my dear,” hinted the cherub meekly, “that you are not enjoying yourself?” “On the contrary,” returned Mrs. Wilfer, “quite so. Why should I not?” “I thought, my dear, that perhaps your face might—“ “M...
Give me a moment, because I like to cry for joy. It's so delicious, John dear, to cry for joy.