we got out of the car for air and suddenly both of us were stoned with joy to realize that in the darkness all around us was fragrant green grass and the smell of fresh manure and warm waters. 'We're in the South! We've left the winter!' Faint daybre...
E anche se aveva problemi di lavoro e una storia infelice con una donna dalla lingua lunga, almeno aveva imparato a ridere meglio di chiunque altro al mondo.
And though Remi was having worklife problems and bad lovelife with a sharp-tongued woman, he at least had learned to laugh almost better than anyone in the world, and I saw all the fun we were going to have in Frisco.
Un dolore mi trafisse il cuore, come succedeva ogni volta che vedevo una ragazza che mi piaceva andarsene in direzione opposta alla mia in questo mondo troppo grande.
...and I realized no matter what you do it’s bound to be a waste of time in the end so you might as well go mad.
It was a rainy night. It was the myth of a rainy night.
Thousands of mosquitoes had already bitten all of us on chest and arms and ankles. Then a bright idea came to me: I jumped up on the steel roof of the car and stretched out flat on my back. Still there was no breeze, but the steel had an element of c...
Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together; sophistication demands that they submit to sex immediately without proper preliminary talk. Not courting talk — real straight talk about souls, for life is holy and every moment is precious.
I tried to bring up boyfriends and sex. Her great dark eyes surveyed me with emptiness and a kind of chagrin that reached back generations and generations in her blood from not having done what was crying to be done--whatever it was, and everybody kn...
I was suddenly left with nothing in my hands but a handful of crazy stars.
At night in this part of the West the stars, as I had seen them in Wyoming, were as big as Roman Candles and as lonely as the Prince who's lost his ancestral home and journeys across the spaces trying to find it again, and knows he never will.
I suddenly began to realize that everybody in America is a natural-born thief.
We wandered in a frenzy and a dream (301).
because he had no place he could stay in without getting tired of it and because there was nowhere to go but everywhere, keep rolling under the stars...
- Dobbiamo andare e non fermarci finché non siamo arrivati. - Dove andiamo? - Non lo so, ma dobbiamo andare.
C'è sempre qualcosa di più, un po' più in là... non finisce mai.
Nulla dietro di me, tutto avanti, è sempre così sulla strada...
There was nothing to talk about anymore. The only thing to do was go.