Certainly–and we can all agree on this, whether we are atheists, theists, panentheists–the future is doing the calling. The unborn children, our great-great-grandchildren are doing the calling. A mere seventy-five years from now they're going to ...
We have to get over this notion, which many of us are taught early, that your soul is in your body. Because if your soul is in your body, it doesn't grow very much–your body is obviously limited in size. But if your soul's not in your body, but you...
We believe that the movement, from Cairo to New York, from San Francisco to London, that is being called "Occupy" is a movement of spiritual democracy.
The goal is not to answer these questions. The goal is to be present to them with all that we are. In a way we are following the poet Rilke's advice when he counseled the young artist, "be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to ...
Again, it's about patterns––you see the pattern, for example, that a young person has moral outrage and is finding effective ways to express it. It's very important that the older generation sees this, feels it, and tastes it. Otherwise they beco...
That's why we live in a world that is so messed up, because most of us go along, simply because going along is connected to our paychecks.
Many young activists tend to resist spirituality, thinking that religion has nothing to do with social change and is, in fact, part of the problem.
The powerful do not understand hope. Hope is not part of their vocabulary. They speak in cold, dead words of national security, global markets, electoral strategy, staying on message, image and money...Those addicted to power, blinded by self-exaltat...
There is much to be angry about in today's world, whether you are young or old, but certainly if you are young. Adultism reigns.
We believe that today's younger generation, who started a global movement by camping out on Wall Street and its equivalents around the world and who are often choosing a road less traveled rather than joining the military-industrial-academic-prision ...