Probabally One Of The Greatest Keys Of Humanity Is Education. Because Education Leads To Personal Empowerment...Empowerment Leads To Freedom...Freedom Leads To Peace... Peace Always Leads To A Brighter Humanity!✌
Ben Says: Keep shinning your light throughout the world's darkness...bright enough for all of humanity to see! Timothy Pina~Bullying Ben
In life it's not how you fall but how you get up that really counts! Don't let mistakes from your past haunt and hold you back...always keep moving forward in your life
Humanity can do better ...if we put our differences a side and diligently work together for the good of all mankind. What a powerful difference we could make.✌
America's 1st Arab spring came in the guise of the Civil War...when our nation couldn't stomach the abomination of slavery anymore. One can't help keep wondering...when the next one will come.✌
❤Speak up, spread the word, take a pledge, take action...we can all do something to try and end the abuse of bullying!
Don't give up hope...Don't ever give up hope!
To brighten humanity.We must constantly give the gift that everyone really wants...Love<3 Our world could really use more of it!:) Timothy Pina
Even when I'm old and my eyes, hands and legs fail me...please give me the strength Lord, to let my heart, mind and lips worship and praise you for all your goodness!
As the morning sun rises bringing needed light to our world...let me worship you Lord and as the moon illuminates the darken night skies...let me sing a praise of your greatness!
God sees me through all my why wouldn't I honor him by shining my light to help all in need! goal is not to live forever but to live in thy favor forever. May you not only always bless me and my children in friendship & favor but may you also bless all our generations to come. May we always walk in your light and do our best to bri...
I'm just another sinner in need of his God & Savior, everyday in his life. All sin is wrong and unrighteousness in the perfect & holy eyes of God.
After the great hurt and defeat in your life will come your great gifts that will bring you joy. Like the rainbow after the storm telling go and enjoy your life! For In everything in this life...God is always good.
Learn to thrive in love, kindness and will help make your life and humanity a whole lot brighter! Bullying Ben
Remember: Inspired Children Become Empowered Adults That Help Brighten Humanity! Bullying Ben
Life is fragile and holds on by a thread. Remember all those in despair and say a prayer that they will have the hope to find the help that they need✌ Bullying Ben
Ben Says: Live your life helping to inspire others and you will never regret it✌ Bullying Ben