Gentleness is given to those who have learned that God will not have his kingdom triumph through the violence of the world, for such a triumph came through the meekness of a cross.
You learn who you are only by making yourself accountable to the judgment of others.
I fear that much of the Christianity that surrounds us assumes our task is to save appearances by protecting God from Job-like anguish. But if God is the God of Jesus Christ, then God does not need our protection. What God demands is not protection, ...
Peace is a deeper reality than violence." p. 231
My father was a better bricklayer than I am a theologian. I am still in too much of a hurry. But if the work I have done in theology is of any use, it is because of what I learned on the job, that is, you can lay only one brick at a time.
When you are trying to change the questions, you have to realize that many people are quite resistant to such a change. They like the answers they have.
Whatever it means to be a Christian, it at least involves the discovery of friends you did not know you had.