That is what love is. A possibility that becomes a choice. A choice you keep making, over and over. Day after day. Year after year. Time after time.
You know... sometimes we meet our destiny on the road we take to avoid it.
There is a tale...It tells of the days when a blight hung over our land. Nothing prospered. Nothing flourished. Not even zucchini would grow. be unkind because you are thoughtless is the worst kind of blindness.
You have worked to build me what I asked for all the days of our lives. Even when the task seemed impossible, even when it would have been easier to give it up, you did not, but kept on going. You have kept me warm in winter, and cool in summer. You ...
I sink into it completely, letting everything else fall away so all that's left is this. A moment like a poem.
I can't say I wasn't hoping for it, but I didn't see it coming.